The Difference Between Settling & Accomplishing

We all have goals, dreams and things we want to accomplish.  sure, you can say you want to be a doctor, lawyer,  playing professional sports, etc.  the thing is you need to have a plan to execute it. what are you doing in the morning, afternoon, evening? `what are you doing to put yourself closer to your career or goal?  I ask myself this question everyday because it’s important to stay true to one’s self.  You can’t just half-do something and expect things to fall into place, the world doesn’t work like that. Put in the time, effort and dedication, watch your whole perspective change.  everything happens for a reason, remember that.

Simply put, if you want to let your dreams die because fear of failure or doubt, you diminishing yourself. Or, you could face your fears and have no regrets.  it all depends on you and the dream you have. I’m going to leave you with these last words: It doesn’t matter where you start, all that matters is how you finish.


P.S: sorry for the delay, I was figuring things out and now I’m back. Enjoy this post!

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